Blueberries are a tasty, versatile, nutrient-rich super food; enjoy them scattered over porridge, popped in a muffin or simply as a healthy snack. But how much do you know about where your blueberries come from? Did you know that they are being grown right here on home soil? At S&A our British blueberries are grown on our home farms in Herefordshire and this year we are experiencing a quality crop; always ensuring fresh blueberries can make their way to you.
Here at S&A our grower teams are focused on producing the best fruit possible and we select blueberry varieties that are suited to our ever changing British climate. We grow our blueberry plants in pots planted in special substrate (not directly in the soil), which means we can make sure they get all the water and precisely the right amount of nutrients they need to produce the best quality berries.
The British blueberry season typically lasts from June to September. Here are some of the varieties we grow:
Duke, Draper and Liberty.
Take a look at our recipe section here to find ways to enjoy our blueberries – S&A’s favourite is the cheesecake…simply irresistible!